In this section, you are assumed have correctly identified the IP address for the Ulearn System Server. Therefore, you must produce a manual on how to configure the IP address on the server. You can use any operating system to demonstrate this task. The explanation should be supported with the screenshot and appropriate explanation.

So, we demostrate these steps to configure the IP address on the server by using Windows 10. 


1. Go to search button and type in Control Panel and run Control Panel.

2. After running the Control Panel, choose Network and Internet.

3. After opening the Network and Internet, choose Network and Sharing Center.

4. After opening Network and Sharing Center, your connected network will appear at there. In this example, the connected network is Kediaman_Pelajar. Click the Wifi (Kediaman_Pelajar) which is beside the connection.

5. A pop-up window Wi-Fi Status will appear. Then click on the Properties button.

6. A Wi-Fi Properties pop-up window will appear. Since we want to configure an IP address so we click on Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4).

7. Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Properties will be opened to configure the IP address. Normally DHCP server and the IP address will be obtained automatically.

8.Change the setting from Obtain an IP address automatically to Use the following IP address. After that, we input an IP address for ULearn System Server that we get from Question 2 Subnetting Calculation. The IP address is192.168.128.6 .

9. The subnet mask will be automatically fill in according to the IP address class. Since the IP address is class C so the subnet mask will be .

10. Default gateway act as an intermediary between the local network and world wide web. The host address usually will be the same with IP address but different number in the 4th octet and that number will always be 1. So, the default gateway is .

11. For the Preferred DNS server, generally we will use the same address as default gateway, and it is .

12. For the Alternate DNS Server, we will use Google DNS server, the

13. After completed, click Validate settings upon exit then click OK button.

14. Click OK button in the Wi-Fi Properties pop-up window.

15. After that a Windows Network Diagnostic pop-up window will appear to check if there is any problem with the new configuration of IP address. If there is no problem, you can click the Close button. Since this is a demostration, the network used may not allowed to connect the address, so can ignore this error and click Cancel button. 

16. Lastly, test the Internet Connection using Command Prompt. Type in ping, the connection is successful if the data is fully received.
